You’ve just pushed your chair back from the Thanksgiving table after devouring several platefuls of delicious turkey, stuffing, and more, followed by a helping of pumpkin pie and ice cream. You’ve just started thinking about your holiday shopping list and all the things you have to do — and celebrations you have to attend — in the next month.

Your New Year’s resolutions are probably the farthest thing from your mind. 

If you have even the faintest notion of getting in better shape, losing weight and feeling and looking your best in 2020, now is the ideal time to embark on that journey. Don’t wait until January 1, when everyone else in South Jersey is crowding into kickboxing classes at our Camden County location!

Your friends at Kennedy Fitness: A Jefferson Health Affiliate want to get you inspired right now. Here are just a few reasons to start your New Year’s fitness quest today.

More Preparation 

Giving yourself extra time to organize your thoughts and formulate a plan will help you to hit the ground running when the calendar turns, and everyone you know is scrambling to set new goals. 

You’re reading this post right now, so you’re already ahead of the game! We believe a big part of proper preparation is knowing what pitfalls to avoid, so we’ve outlined some of the top reasons New Year’s resolutions fail in this infographic.

Less Pressure

To borrow a common fitness maxim: This is a marathon, not a sprint. This is about setting realistic goals and taking the process one step at a time. Waking up on New Year’s Day and feeling as if you’re under the gun to get going on a complete lifestyle overhaul is a great way to stress yourself out. You won’t feel as rushed if you give yourself a head start.

Trial and Error

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness. What works for others might not work for you. You have your own schedule and set of responsibilities to work around. The next month might be a busy time for you, but that’s a perfect opportunity to figure out how you’ll fit new, healthier habits into your lifestyle. It’s also a perfect opportunity to figure out what doesn’t work, as well as what does.


Habit changes take time, and as we mentioned earlier, people tend to abandon New Year’s resolutions too soon when they don’t see immediate results. Start to make small changes now — if not in your diet, at least in your commitment to regular exercise — and by the time the rest of the world is breaking out of its holiday slumber, you will already have tangible proof of the progress you’ve made. With that success under your belt, you’re much more likely to stay motivated and engaged throughout the early months of the new year.

Kennedy Fitness offers all the resources and support you need to make the upcoming year your best one yet. From personal training and nutritional counseling services to pulse-pounding spin classes and relaxing yoga, residents of Mt. Laurel and the surrounding region can find the ideal solution to their unique fitness challenges and an enthusiastic community to help guide them to their goals. Contact us for more information or to become a member today!