It’s time to break a sweat! If you haven’t incorporated cardio exercise into your training regime at least three days a week, you might be missing out on some serious long-term health benefits!
If you’ve been skipping the cardio at one of our fitness centers in South Jersey, here are five of the biggest benefits you might be missing.
- Weight loss. If your New Year’s resolution is to lose a few pounds, you’ll want to fit more cardio into your schedule. Exercises that get your heart pumping like running, dancing and even kickboxing burn more calories than strength training alone, meaning that you’ll be startin 2018 a little lighter.
- Lowered stress. Hitting the treadmill when you feel stressed may leave you feeling better when it’s time to hit the shower. Cardio exercise releases mood-altering endorphins, which have been shown to relieve stress.
- Higher “good” cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol in our bodies: bad LDL cholesterol that comes from a poor diet and clogs the arteries and good HDL cholesterol that clears LDL and is synthesized when we exercise. If you see too much bad cholesterol and not enough good cholesterol when you visit the doctor, the answer is more time spent on cardio!
- Better sleep. If you can’t seem to fall asleep or stay asleep, the answer may lie in your lack of cardio. Those who fit in at least three cardio sessions a week have been found to sleep better and wake up fewer times during the night.
- More energy during the day. Regular cardio strengthens your heart and improves circulation, meaning that you’ll have more energy to spare during the day!
Now that 2018 has arrived, it’s time to rethink your fitness plan with a little help from Kennedy Fitness and Wellness. Give us a call today at 800-875-2720 to learn more about fun cardio and personal training classes in Camden County that can get you moving in the New Year.