February is American Heart Month. Here at Kennedy Fitness & Wellness, one of the leading gyms in Camden County, we want to make sure you’re aware how important it is to take care of your heart. Being physically active is vital when it comes to preventing two of our nation’s most pertinent health issues: heart disease and stroke.
To improve cardiovascular health, the American Heart Association recommends exercising moderately for at least 150 minutes per week or exercising vigorously for 75 minutes per week. An appropriate combination of the two will also suffice.
A better way to remember these numbers is by breaking it down into thirty minutes a day, five times a week. It also doesn’t necessarily have to be all at once. You can divide your time into two segments of 15 minutes per day.
Physical activity is defined by anything that burns calories by moving your body. That can include playing a sport or even something as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Aerobic exercises are best for your heart, including jogging, swimming, biking or even just walking, whereas strength and stretching exercises are ideal for improving stamina and flexibility.
A simple yet positive change you can easily make to enhance your heart’s health is to walk. It’s free and you can do it just about anywhere. Do it by yourself or with a friend. Getting on a walking program provides flexibility and boasts high success rates because it’s easy to stick with it. Make walking a regular part of your life. You’ll be surprised by how much you enjoy it.
If you’re interested in taking it further, and you’d like to learn more about leading a heart-healthy lifestyle, we encourage you to visit Kennedy Fitness & Wellness Mullica Hill for our grand opening health fair that is free for members and non-members to attend.
On Thursday, February 15th, the festivities will begin at 9 a.m. but, at 10 a.m., Stephanie Bigs RD from Jefferson Health – Nutrition Center is giving a lecture: “Love Your Heart, Eat Chocolate.” If you’re struggling with figuring out how to eat heart-healthy, we urge you to register for this lecture by clicking here.
We’re also holding free medical screenings that include tests for blood pressure and pulse, and InBody scans, which will analyze your muscle and fat. Enjoy FREE chair massages, enter raffles to win prizes including FREE one-month KFW memberships, while local vendors provide refreshments!
If you’d like to learn more our innovative fitness centers throughout South Jersey, call us at 1-800-875-2720. We can customize a training program that fits your cardiovascular needs.