Winter is finally fading into the rearview mirror, and we’re heading for the warmer, sunnier, and greener days of spring. If your commitment to fitness has been hibernating for the past few months — or longer — there’s no need to look back and worry about what might have been. Spring is a time for a fresh start!
In this post, we’ll give you a few tips for shaking off the winter rust and establishing a healthier routine that’s sure to last for the rest of the year. But before we can begin forming new habits, we have to break the old ones! Check out this infographic, then “spring ahead” as we suggest some simple first steps toward positive change.
Add Some New Tunes
There’s something about a new mix of music that really renews your motivation. When was the last time you put together a workout playlist? Your old one is probably stale. Find 10-12 new songs that get you in the mood to move.
Shift Your Focus
If you’ve been a slave to the scale in the past, try ignoring the numbers for a while and shooting for different goals, such as how you feel in your clothes or the sense of accomplishment you get from your daily workout. Focus on rocking your spring and summer wardrobe, maybe even treating yourself to a few new outfits. Test your athleticism outside the gym to see how far you’ve come.
Sign Up for a Race
Speaking of testing your athleticism, a great way to reinvigorate your passion for health and wellness is to participate in a community fitness event. There are countless options when it comes to road races throughout our area, from holiday fun runs to charity 5Ks, and you don’t have to be a hard-core runner to have a great experience.
Visit Your Local Farmers Market
The spring season opens up a whole new world when it comes to healthy eating, and your local farmers market is a treasure trove for scrumptious fresh fruits, veggies, and other nutritious treats. Before you head out, armed with shopping bags, do some spring cleaning in your pantry and clear out all the junk food that will tempt you to fall back into bad eating habits.
Try One New Class at the Gym
You don’t have to jump completely out of your comfort zone to kickstart major change in your life. Find just one class at the gym that interests you — whether it’s yoga, Pilates, Zumba, kickboxing, cross trailing, or spinning — and give it a try. Find a friend to go with you to your first class. It could be the start of a beautiful new, healthy habit that leads to a whole new you.
With our wide variety of unique gym services, such as nutritional counseling and personal training, at seven locations throughout New Jersey, Kennedy Fitness: A Jefferson Health Affiliate can help you shed excess winter weight and live life to the fullest this spring. If you’re looking for a fully-equipped fitness facility or gym with a pool in the Turnersville, NJ, area, you’ll find everything you need — and more — here with us. Contact the team at Kennedy Fitness today to inquire about membership or sign up for a free trial!