Endorphin fix: Working out causes your brain to release naturally occurring chemicals known as endorphins. These natural stress relievers give you a feeling of happiness when released into your body. In fact, studies have shown that exercise helps you build a tolerance against stress. That’s right, the more you workout, the less stressed you’ll feel.
High-tech gyms: Are you one of those people who find comfort in watching television and escaping for a while? Well, we have some GREAT news – Future Fitness Centers feature the latest in gym equipment. All Future Fitness Centers have state-of-the-art and each treadmill features a personal television. Think of all the stress relief you’ll get when you watch television while working out!
Distraction: Exercising can distract you. It can help you take your mind off stress as you focus on your workout. Future Fitness Centers offers many types of distraction: Yoga or Pilates ask for you to take time to meditate on your breathing, clear your head and become in tune with your body. Running and swimming allow you to get “in the zone” and help you find your happy place. Zumba gets you to “cut a rug” and uses fun techniques to help you forget all the stressors in your life. At Future Fitness Centers, we believe in your physical and emotional well being.
Why not stop in to one of our fitness facilities for a free tour?