Ironically, many people are spending their time during the 2012 Summer Olympic Games firmly rooted to the sofa watching the world’s finest athletes going for those golden medals. While watching… Continue Reading
Kettlebell Strength Training Hits the Right Exercise Notes
Fitness legend Joe Weider – still going strong at age 92 – gives it an enthusiastic recommendation. MMA stars and action movie actors swear by it. And hometown heroes like… Continue Reading
Reform Your Workout With Pilates Reformer
As the popularity of Pilates continues to increase, the Pilates reformer is taking this exercise program to a new level of effectiveness. The Pilates reformer is an exercise machine that… Continue Reading
Working Out the Not-so Sweet Facts About Soda
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposal to ban the sale of super-sized soft drinks by restaurants, movie theaters and other venues has created a storm of controversy. As the… Continue Reading
Join the Relay For Life
Are you ready to Relay For Life? As a sponsor of this year’s fundraising event for the American Cancer Society, Future Fitness is sponsoring an exciting array of events and… Continue Reading
When Vanity Isn’t a Deadly Sin
Vanity may be one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but if it motivates you to start and maintain a fitness routine, it could help prolong your life. So says Gordon… Continue Reading
Working Through Excuses
Try as we may to keep motivated, there are some days when making an excuse to miss a workout session is the most effort we’re willing to expend. While everybody… Continue Reading
Workout Myth Busters
You may think your workout program is the result of careful research, but check to be sure you’re not automatically accepting common myths about exercise as fact. So much misinformation… Continue Reading
Star Power Gains New Meaning with Piloxing
Working out typically isn’t associated with glamour. But a new regime is gaining enthusiasts on a daily basis thanks in part to its Hollywood star power. Piloxing is a combination… Continue Reading