body sculpt

Research Discovers that Exercises Builds the Brain: “Musclehead” Takes on New Meaning!

November 7th, 2012

We all know that exercise builds muscles, but newly released scientific research indicates that it may also build the brain – literally! A team at the University of Edinburgh followed… Continue Reading

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Common Sense Exercise Tips

October 26th, 2012

If you’re considering starting a workout routine and have reached this blog for some advice, congratulations! If you’ve recently joined Future Fitness and want to be sure you have every… Continue Reading

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Lift Your Way to Fitness with Weight Training for Every Body

September 26th, 2012

So you look at your fellow fitness club members who pump serious iron and think that it’s a fine workout regimen for them, but it really isn’t for you. Well,… Continue Reading

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Kettlebell Strength Training Hits the Right Exercise Notes

July 12th, 2012

Fitness legend Joe Weider – still going strong at age 92 – gives it an enthusiastic recommendation. MMA stars and action movie actors swear by it. And hometown heroes like… Continue Reading

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Reform Your Workout With Pilates Reformer

June 26th, 2012

As the popularity of Pilates continues to increase, the Pilates reformer is taking this exercise program to a new level of effectiveness. The Pilates reformer is an exercise machine that… Continue Reading

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Workout Myth Busters

May 16th, 2012

You may think your workout program is the result of careful research, but check to be sure you’re not automatically accepting common myths about exercise as fact. So much misinformation… Continue Reading

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Star Power Gains New Meaning with Piloxing

April 30th, 2012

Working out typically isn’t associated with glamour. But a new regime is gaining enthusiasts on a daily basis thanks in part to its Hollywood star power. Piloxing is a combination… Continue Reading

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Weight Training Classes for Every Body at Future Fitness

January 25th, 2012

Not so long ago, weight training was associated only with hardcore body builders. But now, those who pursue a fitness lifestyle – especially Future Fitness members – realize that a… Continue Reading

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Challenge Yourself to the Core: TRX Suspension Training

October 13th, 2011

Professional athletes – as well as people of all fitness levels – are improving their performance and their bodies with TRX Suspension Training®. Born in the U.S. Navy Seals and… Continue Reading

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Strength in Numbers – Get Moving With Group Fitness

September 29th, 2011

When it comes to losing weight or getting in better shape, joining a health club is a natural step. It provides access to the fitness workout equipment, programs and trainers… Continue Reading

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